Sunday, 5 April 2015


When you hear the name 'The Filling station' what comes to mind is the American Restaurant and Bar in Aberdeen and some other locations. A couple of days ago when I mentioned it to a friend, she actually asked in shock 'The bar?'. And I laughed and said no. Today I am really excited and privileged to talk about 'The Filling Station' in this post. Don't worry, you will soon find out who and what 'TFS' is all about.
I met Craig Mackay who is the now Regional Director for 'TFS' Scotland a couple of years ago at an event where I was leading worship with the Heartsong team and he and his team were also there. That was one great night, fast forward to 2014, we were opportune to lead worship at a 'TFS' event. What an amazing night that was, we could have carried on all night, there was such a tangible presence of God in an engaging time of worship. 
So I asked Craig if he didn't mind me featuring 'TFS' in my blog and he accepted. So this is exclusive to 'iTestify' #chuckles. Aside from featuring encouraging and life transforming testimonies on this blog, we also want to showcase teams, people, organisations,worship leaders, artists, ministries and all those who are making impact in their communities.
So I welcome you to read all about 'The Filling Station', there is so much to learn and gain from this. I do pray that you re inspired as you read! 

iTestify: Thank you so much Craig for agreeing to feature on 'iTestify' Could you please tell us about The Filling Station?
Craig Mackay: The Filling Station or "TFS" as it is commonly called is a contemporary vehicle for bringing Christian Renewal and Evangelism to rural areas of the UK. It is important to stress that it is not a new church or denomination and is intended to serve the local church.
iTestify: That is brilliant! So what then is the vision/ mission of TFS?
Craig Mackay: I always like the general mission statement of "Rural Renewal" when describing what we do, but more specifically, the biblical mandate for this is taken from Psalm 114 v 8 "Who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water" We see the pools described here as places of deep spiritual refreshment for the existing Church, bringing water into perhaps hard and dry areas.
Back in 2003 our UK director saw a picture from God of the land (UK) covered in a dark mist which prevented the light from breaking through - he then saw  that mist being broken in small whirlwinds created by the Prayers and Worship of Gods people. This is where The Filling Station comes in!
The vision therefore is to see Christians grow in their giftings, to understand who they are in Christ and to come together from all churches to burn that mist away!!

iTestify: I really do like the fact that it is about coming together from different churches. It is important to say we are all part of one big church! Tell us when and how 'TFS' was inaugurated?
Craig Mackay: It all started about 9 years ago, in the heart of Southern England when, after an Alpha Course, a small group of Christians started to meet together monthly to continue the theme of food, teaching, Holy Spirit and Ministry.
From this original post-Alpha group, several more similar gathering started in the South East and caught the attention of a wonderful Anglican Vicar - Richard Fothergill, who instantly saw the great need for such Rural Renewal.
Without any real marketing or strategy, the movement has grown by Gods power every year since and thus "The Filling Station" was born!

iTestify: That is so encouraging. When God gives a vision, He makes provision! How many TFS exists?
Craig Mackay: There are currently 7 in Scotland and another 59 around the UK and Europe. We even started the first ever Ski Resort Filling Station - in Villars, Switzerland after a holiday there this New year. The Scottish Filling Stations are based in the Black Isle, Lossiemouth, Portsoy, Alford, Creiff and Callander and Fife. They are all very different in size and character and this is the wonderful benefit of being led by a local host team and not by us TFS directors.

iTestify: Oh wow Ski Resort? Interesting. What's the TFS message?
Craig Mackay:To hear the voice of God, the will of God, the purpose of God and to stretch oneself in ministry, in worship and in unity

iTestify: Unity, that is so key! I know you must have had some great stories from 'TFS', could you share some? 
Craig Mackay:There are so many stories from around the UK of people choosing to return to church life after being at a FS meeting and many, many stories of people accepting Jesus into their lives and joining local churches as a result of being at a FS meeting.
The supernatural growth of the organisation has also been astonishing to those involved in the Ministry and particularly its founder Richard Fothergill. At least 2 new Filling Station are currently inquiring every week!
It has also been encouraging to see people move into this part of the country, having enjoyed TFS gatherings elsewhere in the UK and likewise for those leaving the North East who have found TFS gatherings in their new home areas. Isn't that great!

iTestify: Astonishing indeed! Do you plan to set up more?
Craig Mackay: Yes! - God willing! - but only in response to a desire by people on the ground so to speak. We as Trustees and Directors won't be starting up Filling Station gatherings unless a team of people come together in an area to make it happen. We can then serve them with resources, speakers, media and support to help them enjoy it and to watch them grow.

iTestify: What makes TFS different?
Craig Mackay: Several key features of TFS (The Filling Station) are different. The first thing is the venue - we ask our hosts to find unique and cosy places to gather together and usually on a week night, never a Sunday.
This is not always possible for the larger gatherings but even for larger town hall venues, we encourage the teams to be creative and enjoy setting up environments that could not be described as "religious". This is particularly important for non-Christians that come or for those that have been distant from Church for any length of time.
 Another major difference that people encounter, especially in the North East of Scotland, would be the contemporary worship and the freedom to explore the supernatural power of God, His gifting and Ministries. There is definitely a heart for going deeper with God in Scotland and I think Clan Gathering and the work of the travelling speakers and Worship leaders has been a big influence on this.

Testify: It is so important to encourage non-Christians and I am glad TFS is doing this. What are some of the challenges you encounter?
Craig Mackay: I think there are 2 main challenges that face Filling Stations around the UK, one of which I think we can perhaps do something about and the other perhaps not.
The first challenge is the lack of equipped and spirit led worship teams or lone worship leaders available to serve the growing number of FS gathering around Scotland. I think we can do something with this challenge!. TFS enjoys a wonderful list of speakers who have agreed to serve Scottish Filling Stations, including Sandy Millar, Kenny Borthwick, Allan McWilliam etc but no list of worship teams.
I know that many of my host teams around the country do wish they had confident musicians in there midst but many do not.
Wouldn't it be great if we could create a list of teams and individuals all over Scotland who were willing and able to bring sincere Worship times to all gatherings in our nation!!...Please Lord Please!
The other more difficult challenge is unfortunately the resistance of some Church Leaders to this ministry starting up in their areas. Strangely, England does not suffer the same resistance as Scotland does and whilst, I have witnessed support for TFS from all manner of denomination and Church, I must say the same cannot be said for their leaders.
I pray constantly for the blessing and trust of the Established Gathered Church because I know TFS can serve them well if they embraced it.
These things take time and in the meantime His purposes are unfolding before our eyes! Hallelujah!

iTestify: Wow! I do pray that God will make a way! Where do you see TFS in the next 5 years?
Craig Mackay: I certainly see it growing as more and more people get along to a meeting in their area and catch the vision for setting up their own gathering.
I also see perhaps a North East Conference to enable the Scottish teams to come together annually to share and bless each other and to lift the roof in Worship wherever we might be!

iTestify: That would be really awesome! Are you involved in any projects a at the moment? 
Craig Mackay: I am just getting to grips with my new role as Regional Director for Scotland and slowly getting around all the existing host teams to encourage them and serve them.
The most exciting part of this new role is our efforts to build up a list of worship leaders who might be equipped, able and willing to travel small distances to serve churches, gatherings and Filling Stations around the country. I have already received wonderful offers of help from several large churches around the country who have released their Worship teams to assist when called. I love this kind of sharing resources for His Glory!

iTestify: Congratulations om your new role Craig, I pray for wisdom and grace for you! Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Craig Mackay: All the Scottish FS teams are coming together at this year’s Clan Gathering in Largs in July, so some of your readers can meet us there and find out more.

iTestify: How do you see the music ministry in Scotland?
Craig Mackay: Over the last 2 or 3 years I have seen a significant increase in Worship teams sharing their resources, Allan McKinlay, Steph Mcleod, Ranan, David Ross etc etc are all busy serving meetings, events and churches that either don’t have their own teams or need experienced Spirit led leaders who can encourage freedom in Worship wherever they go.
I see the Music Ministry as being already richly blessed and perhaps ready to emerge from our usual buildings and gatherings to "model" freedom in sung worship to those that are hungry for this, in Scotland.

iTestify: That is so profound! What do you think we can do to forge unity amongst musicians, artists, singers and worship leaders? 
Craig Mackay: Social Media has been wonderful for encouraging us, informing us and equipping us to serve God in music, in Scotland. The various forums set up by many musicians, including the Facebook group - "Christian Musicians Aberdeen", help to keep us all informed and have actually helped our own Filling Station team find musicians too! - isnt that wonderful!
At a time when there might appear to be so much division in many matters, the level of unity, encouragement and agreement amongst Scottish Worship leaders and musicians is so precious and I think all we need to do is keep Worshiping, keep saying YES to those calls for our help and to keep getting to know each other more.
I feel He has a special plan for us all!

iTestify: That is so so precious, we all need to know each other more, encourage and support one another. 'Together we stand' Any word of advice?
Craig Mackay….keep stepping out the boat! for Him!
For anyone who loves their own Church and thinks that their area would benefit from a Filling Station meeting during the week, once a month - please get in touch with me on 0781 387 2818 or by email on Check out the website on Thank you Craig for sharing with us.

I pray the Lord continues to prosper the work andd raise helpers for you! God bless You! You are an inspiration!


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